
Your Baby at Week 3

Your 3 weeks old baby is still sleeping for most of his days. Babies at this state can sleep for up to 20 hours, with short waking periods in between naps.

Ensure that your 3 weeks old baby is getting plenty of fresh air. Even if she spends all her time indoors at this stage, keep the doors and windows open during her daytime naps, to maintain a free flow of oxygen. Several parents mistakenly bundle their babies up and keep them cooped up with all the windows shut. This is not recommended because the air quality becomes poor.

Read More: What your Baby’s name says about you

If your baby is having difficulty sleeping, breastfeeding or experiencing symptoms that appear to be colic, seek medical advice. Several symptoms may point toward reflux in children or food intolerance. This is likely the case if your baby is spitting up huge amounts of feed when burping, or is emitting projectile vomit. Go with your gut and seek a first and second opinion. Keep your eyes peeled also to detect any strange changes in the baby’s complexion. If she appears to have a yellowish tinge, mention this during your pediatric clinic visit, to rule out jaundice.


Caring for your baby’s umbilical cord will also be a concern during the early weeks. Follow your nurse’s instructions when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting the belly button. It should dry up and fall off on its own. It will look a little strange as it shrinks and shrivels up, and it may have a slightly strange odour. This is usually normal. However, If it starts to swell, or oozes discharge, see a doctor immediately.

Read More: How to Monitor your Baby’s Nourishment

Note that during the first few days and weeks, your baby may not always have stool that is the same colour. If you are breastfeeding, his stools will likely be yellowish and loose. If he is formula fed, the stool will likely be darker and much firmer, giving the impression that your baby is constipated. You: Your body will still be healing during this period. But, you should look at healthy foods for breastfeeding mums. If you are considering resuming your fitness routine or exercise, speak with your midwife or gynae for advice. Either way, it is important to get moving, facilitate your return to fitness and boost your energy levels. Stretching, yoga and light exercises are fine, but listen to your body’s signals to ensure you do not overdo them. If you feel unusually tearful, overwhelmed and struggle with persistent insomnia and listlessness, mention to your Doula, doctor or your Malaica Nurse Midwife and look at our Post-Natal Depression checklist to rule out this possibility.

We have a list of doctors and nurse midwives in the Malaica program that are always available to help.


Pregnancy Program

Malaica has developed a coaching program to make the pregnancy journey amazing.