
Motherhood & Mental Health: 4 Tips To Help You

For many when they become a mom, their baby becomes the number one priority and their health can take a back seat. However, you don’t have to ignore your mental health as a new mom. If anything, this is the perfect time to enhance your mental health and become the best version of yourself.
Mental Health Pregnancy

If you’re struggling to balance your mental well-being and motherhood then read on for tips that can help you.


Take Care Of You

Motherhood and self-care don’t always go hand in hand. It can be hard to find time for just you, especially when you have a baby. However, self-care is extremely important to feel a sense of identity and maintain your well-being. Making time for yourself through small moments of self-care might feel selfish but it can prevent burnout, exhaustion, and stress. Don’t be afraid to unplug when you have a moment to yourself. Whether that is taking a bubble bath or going for a coffee, those small moments alone are needed to help maintain a positive outlook. When you feel centered and happy with yourself, then you can be a better parent and partner to those around you.


Find Time For Sleep

As a new mother, it can be hard to navigate a newborn’s sleeping schedule while managing your own, which is why a lot of new moms struggle with insomnia. However, your sleep has a major effect on your mental health, so it’s essential to find time to get some quality rest. Ask your partner to share nighttime duties. Although you want to be a supermum, sharing duties helps you develop a sense of teamwork. Sharing nighttime duties like feedings will also help you catch a little break that is sometimes needed in motherhood. When you are well-rested, you are less likely to struggle with anxiety and depression and it can help you feel ready to take on any challenge.


Practice Positive Self-Talk

Whether you’re a first-time mum or not, it’s normal to experience self-doubt. However, be mindful of how you speak to yourself. It’s natural to enter motherhood with uncertainties and questions but you should never let that self-doubt make you feel like a bad parent or undermine your own confidence. Without knowing it, you may be limiting your own potential by focusing on the bad. Practice positive self-talk throughout your day to shake any negative self-talk. Start by checking in with yourself and using the morning for a motivational moment. Saying things like “I am doing well” or “I’m happy because” can shift your mindset and remind you of the good.


Know When To Ask For Help

We’ve all heard the saying, “it takes a village,” so lean on your village! We all want to be the perfect mum but the reality is that being the perfect parent doesn’t exist and we can’t do it alone. If you’re struggling to find your happiness or place in motherhood, then talk to your loved ones. It can be scary to open up, but you will realize that you are not alone and have support and love around you. However, if you need some extra support outside of your friends and family then consider getting support from an expert. Asking for help will only make you a stronger parent, so don’t wait to get help.


Being a mum is a wonderful and special journey, and although it’s normal to get wrapped up in the joys of motherhood, it’s crucial for your health and your baby’s health that you put your mental health first.


Pregnancy Program

Malaica has developed a coaching program to make the pregnancy journey amazing.