Barika Medical Centre (Level 4 Hospital)

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Barika Medical Centre is a Level 4 Hospital, based in Rose Avenue, Hurlingham, Nairobi. They provide a wide range of medical services including antenatal care clinics, delivery services (including Cesarean Sections) as well as postnatal care.

Barika Medical Centre

Services Offered

Barika Medical Centre offers the following pregnancy-related services:

  • Antenatal Care Package: KES 9,999 that caters for 5 consultation visits, 2 Ultrasounds, Complete Lab test, Tetanus Injection, and the ANC Booklet. This package includes a Flexible Payment!
  • Normal Midwife Delivery Package: KES 30,000
  • Caesarian Package: KES 75,000

If you are interested in the packages offered above and would like to learn more about the maternal health services available at Barika Medical Centre, sign up HERE.


Important links

Official website of this hospital

Overview of the best maternity hospitals in Kenya

Are you interested in the services offered at Barika Medical Centre? Would you like help to decide on antenatal care clinics, labor/delivery and postnatal care services?