
Your baby at week 5

Your 5 weeks old baby is at this point smiling brightly and gazing directly into your eyes. You will notice that she responds to your smile and mirrors your eye gaze or follows you visually while you cross the room.

Your Baby at Week 4

At four weeks, your baby has reached a major milestone, she is now one month old! You will notice her neck muscles are now stronger and she can turn her head in different directions. Sound is one stimulus she will respond to by turning her head. By week 4 her hearing is now well developed […]

Your Baby at Week 3

Your 3 weeks old baby is still sleeping for most of his days. Babies at this state can sleep for up to 20 hours, with short waking periods in between naps.

Your Baby at Week 2

This is your baby’s second week in your life. You are now settling into your groove with your little one.

Pregnancy week 42

Congratulations! You are now 42 weeks pregnant. Baby is now medically ready to meet the world. He will be perfectly safe in there until the end of this week.

Pregnancy week 41

If you haven’t yet met your baby by the time you are 41 weeks pregnant, your pregnancy is termed as overdue. This should be no cause for alarm as the baby will be safe in the uterus for another two weeks from the 40th week.

Pregnacy week 40

Congratulations, you are 40 weeks pregnant and you have now reached the finishing line with your pregnancy!

Pregnancy week 39

If your baby isn’t already home, expect to hear her first cry any time now. At 39 weeks pregnant, she is ready to meet the outside world but keep in mind that she will do so when she is ready.

Pregnancy week 38

The great news is that you have gotten to 38 Weeks Pregnant and your pregnancy is now full-term. Inside your bulging tummy is a perfect newborn.

Pregnancy week 37

Now that you are 37 weeks pregnant, You must be excited to know that the arrival of your bundle of joy is just around the corner! Your baby is now considered full-term and ready to meet the world.